Ten ways coaching can help your organization Infographic: Why coaching works (by ICF) My publications in English 6 Things a Leader can learn from Van Gogh (International Coaching News, September 2013) Useful NLP Coaching Tools with a Case Study (International Coaching News Issue 4, July 2013) How Can You Make a Diamond SPARKLE More? (International Coaching News July 2012, written by Laura Komócsin and Andrea Szabados) 'Toolful Coach', a book written by Laura Komócsin is available in English, translated by Andrea Szabados and Rita Gallen International publication together with Laura Komócsin: The SPARKLE (DIADAL) model Tíz pont, ahol segíthet a coaching a szervezeteknek / Ten ways coaching can help your organization (angol nyelvű cikk) Infografika: Mitől működik a coaching